ohsie | 3 April 2024 | 181 MB
引入 jumble,这是一种特殊的采样器,它在有限的结构内包含简单的随机化,以创建新的环境声景和背景。 轻松加载您最喜欢的样本,让 jumble 在随机位置之间动态切换,揭示以前闻所未闻的旋律和丰富的纹理。 通过清晰的延迟和广泛的混响发送结果,然后调制样本的幅度和频率内容以制作复杂的声音挂毯。
introducing jumble, an idiosyncratic sampler that embraces simple randomisation within a confined structure to create new ambient soundscapes and backdrops. effortlessly load your favorite sample and let jumble dynamically shift between random positions, unveiling previously unheard melodies and rich textures. send the result through crystal clear delays and an expansive reverb, then modulate the amplitude and frequency content of the sample to craft intricate sonic tapestries.